Ironclad Pan Co.

Ironclad Pan Co. is a leading kitchenware brand renowned for its dedication to craftsmanship, sustainability, and durability. Offering the world’s longest product warranty of 100 years, Ironclad Pan Co. is creating the highest-quality cast iron pans designed to last for generations.

Technology Integration
Shopify Development

The challenge

Ironclad Pan Co. faced a unique challenge due to maintaining two separate Shopify sites and two Klaviyo instances for their AU and NZ/Global markets. This setup led to:

  • Double Workload:
    Every pricing change, content update, or promotional campaign had to be executed twice, once for each site and Klaviyo account.
  • SEO Concerns:
    Ensuring local SEO was retained for both AU and NZ markets was a challenge.
  • Localised Content Management:
    Ironclad Pan offers localised content and promotions per geography to provide customers a better user experience, this user experience had to remain.

Our Approach:

Atlas Ventures & Studios collaborated closely with Ironclad Pan Co. and our partner Klaviyo to deliver a world-class solution. Here’s how we tackled the challenges:

1. Consolidation of Shopify Sites

  • Single Shopify Instance:
    We merged the AU and NZ/Global Shopify sites into a single instance, leveraging Shopify’s Markets functionality to maintain localised presence.
  • Data Migration:
    Ensured smooth migration of order and customer information to preserve historical data integrity and parity.


2. Klaviyo Integration

  • Unified Klaviyo Account:
    Implemented a cutting-edge solution in collaboration with Klaviyo to use a single account for the unified Shopify instance, leveraging the power of Shopify Markets & Klaviyo.
  • Custom Tracking:
    Enabled capture of specific market-based profile properties through custom server-side and client-side tracking.
  • Flow, Data and Reviews Migration and Localisation:
    Migrated existing flows and localized them per market in the master Klaviyo account, utilizing dynamic blocks to display market-specific content. Migrated all profiles with accurate property information and migrated & synced all reviews across.

3. SEO Optimization

  • 301 Redirects:
    Set up accurate redirects to ensure SEO continuity.
  • Hreflang Tags:
    Added appropriate tags to pages for localised SEO enhancement.

The Result:

  • Operational Efficiency:
    The Ironclad Pan team now manages content updates and promotional campaigns from a single platform, reducing workload significantly.

  • Cost Efficiency:
    The Ironclad Pan team has significantly reduced ongoing SaaS costs by consolidating the two websites.

  • Enhanced Customization:
    Maintained the ability to localise content and promotions per geography using Shopify Markets and Klaviyo’s market segmentation.

  • Improved SEO:
    Localised SEO not only preserved but improved, ensuring better visibility in both AU and NZ markets.

"The time we were spending managing multiple websites and tech stacks was pretty wild.
We needed an expert partner to consolidate everything, without removing any functionality. The team at Atlas overdelivered. They led the project with our partners and completed it on-time, and within scope.
This has made the day-to-day management of our business far more efficient, and enables us to launch into new markets with ease. If you have any challenges with your website or Klaviyo, then we’d highly recommend the Atlas team."

- Joe Carter, Co-Founder

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